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Intelligent Logistics: ArcelorMittal Brasil Longos

A world leader in steel production and one of the largest in mining, the ArcelorMittal Group has customers in 160 countries and has more than 190,000 employees. In its 11 research centers, around 1,300 researchers develop more efficient products and processes aimed at generating value for customers and ensuring future growth.

ArcelorMittal Brasil operates in the production of steel in the country, with an installed capacity of over 12.5 million tons/year. With industrial plants in six states, it employs around 16 thousand people. It produces high quality long and flat steel for the automotive, home appliance, packaging, civil construction and shipbuilding industries. It is also active in mining, power generation, production of renewable bioreducer and information technology. Its extensive distribution and service network meets the demands of domestic and international markets.

Through creative environments that relate to the ecosystem, ArcelorMittal encourages and supports the development of innovative ideas aimed at improving the internal processes of products and services, and also aimed at contributing to global efforts to face the global challenges of humanity.

The industrial business unit ArcelorMittal Brasil Longos, based in Juiz de Fora – MG, leads an innovative Industrial Logistics Master Plan program called Intelligent Logistics, comprising a series of projects. This plan was conceived in 2018. In 2019 it was already possible to carry out the first proofs of concept and, even during the entire period of the pandemic (2020/2021) it remained active and strong in its objectives of producing results and delivering the first technological solutions that operate In real time.

In 2021, the project is already showing its fruits, reaching its maturity with the Rollout actions in the Industrial plants. The creator and Project Leader, Wanderson Guedes Terror, Project Specialist & IT and TA Solutions – ArcelorMittal presents the first Technological Innovation packages:

Technology packageScopeDescriptionSolutions
Research and Development
RFID Tags, RFID Collector, Automation of Forklifts and Overhead Cranes. IT and AT Infrastructure. Application Infrastructure on the shop floor with middleware, MES, SAP. Solutions operating integrated and in real time. Network Infrastructure in the ArcelorMittal Information Security standard and compliance.
Automatic Collection of Production and Laminated Products
Portal RFID Coletando automaticamente produção de laminados via Portal lendo etiquetas e Tags RFID nos produtos. Aplicações integradas no MES e SAP
TEC3RFID mobile collectorRFID Mobile Collector – Operates with SAP with the functions of moving, auditing, receiving, consulting, shipping laminated products
TEC4RFID Overhead CranesRolling Bridges – Integrated automation solution operating in the movement and dispatch of products
TEC5RFID ForkliftsForklifts – Integrated automation solution operating in the movement and dispatch of products
TEC6RFID Anti-Fraud PortalAntifraud Portal – Automatic checking of shipped and shipped products
Automatic Receipt and Handling of Road Products
RFID Portal – Collection of product information in road transport updating intercompany stock automatically.

AMS – ArcelorMittal Sistemas was the company responsible for the development and coordination of the entire project. It was supported by the selected companies:

– PCX Tecnologia – provide and support the approval of RFID equipment;

– Automaway – implement automation project requirements and solutions (portals, collectors, forklifts, overhead cranes), Middleware application and MES interfaces;

– Itapem – Engineering projects and technical documentation of all solutions (Word and CAD).

PCX Tecnologia Companies and Automaway are participants in the IMPINJ Channels program.

With this multidisciplinary team, the results can be seen in the table below:

ProjectAdopted ProductsInnovationsResults
Industry 4.0: TEC1Automation of Industrial processes, equipment and devices. Industry 4.0Cost reduction, productivity, assertiveness, safety and competitiveness. Application of RAIN RFID tags and tags
RFID Portal: TEC2RFID Portal with Speedway R420 Impinj Readers. Industrial process automation in
automatic collection
Reception of products in the 100% automated logistics stock. Factory floor FTE withdrawal. Assertiveness of logistical stocks. Update of constant stocks and in real time. Safety, productivity and automatic product traceability. Application of the fixed reader RAIN RFID Speedway R420 Impinj.
RFID Mobile Collector: TEC3RFID mobile collector for contingency in QRCode / Barcode options and RFID manual operations.Productivity and automatic product traceability. Application of the RAIN RFID mobile collector operating SAP with the functions of moving, auditing, receiving, consulting and dispatching laminate production
RFID Overhead Cranes: TEC4Moving Rolled Products automatically updating inventories and dispatching products via overhead cranes with RAIN RFID Speedway R420 Impinj readers.Productivity and agility in logistics operations. TPV reduction by 50%. Stock reliability and security by eliminating operator traffic on the shop floor. Rolling Bridges – Integrated automation solution operating in the movement and dispatch of products. Application of the fixed reader RAIN RFID Reader Speedway R420 Impinj with integrations by external GPIO. Initial solution with R420 and in 2022 being expanded and updated to other units with R700 Impinj readers.
RFID Forklifts: TEC5Moving rolled products automatically updating inventories and shipping products via forklifts with RAIN RFID Speedway R420 Impinj readers.Productivity and agility in logistics operations. TPV reduction by 50%. Stock reliability and security by eliminating operator traffic on the shop floor. Quality. Operators work in climate-controlled cabins. Forklifts – Integrated automation solution operating in the movement and dispatch of products. Application of RAIN RFID Speedway R420 Impinj fixed reader with external GPIO integrations. Initial solution with R420 and in 2022 being expanded and updated to other units with R700 Impinj readers.
Anti-Fraud Portal:
Automatic anti-fraud solution with RAIN RFID portal readers RAIN RFID Speedway R420 Impinj.Safety in the process and end of deviations due to fraud – Automatic checking of products shipped according to shipment order.
Portal RFID
Receipt of Inputs (laminated products) automatically through an RFID portal to
automatic receipt of road products
Reception of products in stock 100% automatic. Factory floor FTE withdrawal. Reliability of logistical stock. Safety and Productivity. Collection and receipt of rolled products in road transport via RFID portal. Updating of logistics stock automatically, with intercompany transfers.

The choice and use of world-class products and industrial robustness was crucial to the success of the Project. IMPINJ products were exclusive for RFID solutions and products from other companies for other requirements. According to Terror, these are Projects to serve the Industry with solutions to operate in a strategic, critical mission, in a hostile environment that requires high availability.

IMPINJ was the main partner in the project, supporting the channels through its product engineering team.

The Intelligent Logistics project: ArcelorMittal Brasil Longos continues to grow. In addition to the expansions planned for 2022 in new business units with the technological update with the Impinj R700 reader, new challenges are being proposed. The objective is to always use the application of the Industry 4.0 concept with RAIN RFID.

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Faurecia Creates the Factory of the Future with RAIN RFID

Faurecia automates production processes with RAIN RFID

Since 2015, Faurecia has engaged in a strategic transformation of its operations, guided by Industry 4.0 principles. Part of this strategic transformation is the digital transformation of manufacturing operations that optimize Faurecia’s production lines using RAIN RFID. After Faurecia implemented the RAIN RFID solution in 12 of their plants, they found:

  • Improved operations throughout multiple plants Increased efficiency in parts stocking
  • Reduced manual tasks such as shipping, receiving, and transferring
  • Increased customer satisfaction thanks to greater product traceability

Automated manufacturing line reduces tracking costs

The automotive industry is undergoing a technology revolution and Faurecia is charting a course to transform their manufacturing and shipping operations. After evaluating other technologies, they found an easily deployable RAIN RFID solution that would optimize operations and provide real-time visibility of inventory-both key factors for improving customer satisfaction. By tagging items that enter the plant and implementing Impinj readers along the manufacturing line, they optimized their logistics process while eliminating redundant manual steps.

  • Impinj Monza R6 tag chips are attached to each item as they are manufactured. Items that are tagged include bags, boxes, and finished products.
  • Impinj xSpan gateways are installed at key transition points such as manufacturing points and loading dock doors. Readers are configured to suit the space and regional wireless regulations.
  • Items are read at transition points and then data is passed to Impinj ItemSense software to determine the direction of movement. Key information is then passed along to field operators.

Faurecia worked with Impinj and partner UBI Solutions to create a RAIN RFID solution that can now be deployed within one week at each new plant. With the success of existing deployments, Faurecia plans to expand its RAIN RFID project to additional plants and warehouses worldwide.

By teaming with Impinj we were able to streamline and automate our manufacturing and shipping processes. We can deploy the RAIN RFID solution in one week at our plants around the world.

Emmanuel Schröder Digital Transformation Project Manager, Faurecia

Faurecia’s RAIN RFID solution increases plant efficiency, optimizing production and shipping

Improved operations across multiple plants
After rolling out the RAIN RFID system across 12 of their manufacturing plants, Faurecia saw an improvement in their operations at all locations. With their new increased visibility, field workers had both a better understanding of the activities on the plant floor and the data needed to make informed decisions about future operations.

​Real-time inventory monitoring leads to more efficient parts stocking
Real-time monitoring of Faurecia’s inventory allows the company to maintain accurate stock levels at all times. This contributes to an overall increase in production efficiency, ensuring that the right parts are available for the right customers when needed.

Reduced manual tasks load such as shipping, receiving, and transferring
Automating tasks such as shipping, receiving and transferring have reduced manual work. This reduction to proofing declaration on the line and in the shipping processes, ultimately optimizing the cost of operation.

Increased customer satisfaction with fewer incorrect or lost orders
By automating tracking of their shipping and receiving operations, Faurecia ensures customer satisfaction with highly accurate information on stocked items and improved parts traceability.